When creating an advert for your used motorbike that you would like to sell you need to ensure you are including some good quality images of it. If you don’t, you are damaging your chances of selling the motorbike for the best possible price. Often people want to see pictures of the motorbike before they even come and view it to get a feel as to whether they like the look of it and it is worth their time.
If you don’t have good pictures of your motorbike, then people will be put off and it can have a big effect on the price and the chances of you selling it. Below we have put together some easy, but valuable tips on how you can make your motorbike look great in your photos.
Before you take any photos of your bike, you need to ensure it is looking as clean as possible, in order for it to look its best in the photos. If you post dirty photos of your motorbike people might be put off and will think it is in worse condition than it is. Give your motorbike a good clean, including the wheels and the inside of any storage space as you will need to get a picture of that as well. Polish the bike to help it really shine in the photos and look as good as it possibly can.
Have a look at the photos other people have posted on our used motorbike page to give yourself some ideas of how yours should look. You need your photos to be as good as there’s and if possible, even better. You will probably notice that some ads only have one image or blurry pictures, this is a no-go when trying to sell your motorbike, so try to avoid any blurry images.
The background of an image really can effect the whole appeal of the bike. If you have your motorbike parked in an industrial looking area or there is a lot of clutter jn the background, it can put people off buying. If you want to appear more professional, then you need to go and park your motorbike in a place that has a nice background. Try and find a nice place to take the pictures, such as a driveway, or a well-lit street that has trees in the background. If you can find an even more impressive background, like overlooking the ocean or a scenic view, then even better.
You need to ensure that you are using a good quality camera when you are taking your photos. Poor quality can make your motorbike appear outdated and won’t show it off in the best light. Most smartphones do have a great quality camera on them, however it still might be worth using a more advanced camera if possible. If you don’t have one yourself, then try and borrow one from a friend or a family member.
Lighting is super important when you are taking pictures. You want your advert to showcase clear images of your motorbike and if it is backlit or too dark then this won’t be the case. If you are taking the pictures on a really sunny day, then find somewhere shady or make sure the sun is behind you when taking the images. This will stop any lens flare.
Make sure you capture images of your bike from different angles. This will allow potential buyers to get a full view of the motorbike and can showcase it in a much better way. Try getting higher and lower when taking images and then you will have some options to choose from at the end to post on your advert. Remember to get a photo of inside any storage space the motorbike has, as that is something potential buyers will definitely want to see.
Often people try to hide damages or any scratches the motorbike might have in their photos. This isn’t going to achieve anything, as sooner or later the potential buyer will find out about it. It is much better to show off all the flaws straight away so that you can show you are being open and honest, and you know anyone contacting you after those photos is still interested in buying and won’t drop out afterward.
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